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Stop Spraying Glyphosate

WHY …Spontaneous Abortions, Sudden Cardiac Deaths, Cancer, Anxiety and Depression??? Dr. Fleming Answers how Vitamin C Improves Clinical Outcomes

Please join Laurie Gagan and Dr Fleming, PhD, MD, JD as they discuss the upcoming 2023 VCICI C-MPOSIUM Conference, and the two presentations he will be making on 14-16 September 2023 in Clearwater Beach, Florida.

In this interview Laurie asks Dr. Fleming to describe why clinicians and patients should attend the conference and what topics Dr. Fleming will be discussing. As you will hear in this interview, Dr Fleming’s presentations will include explaining why women are experiencing spontaneous abortions, and why athletes and others are experiencing sudden cardiac death in the prime of their life. They will also discuss the importance of knowing the 9-pathways associated with the cancers following either the infection or genetic vaccines.

After understanding the WHY, the cancers, heart deaths, and abortions are occurring, doctors and patients are better able to understand what they can do to improve their health and reduce their risk of disease or death. This includes treating the oxidative damage, prion disease, anxiety and depression being experienced by so many.

Join us at this one-of-a-kind event, open to both healthcare providers and the public, and find out what you can do for your patients, families, and friends. Find answers to how Vitamin C and other prescription drugs work together to reduce disease and improve your health.
Tune in, listen, learn, and get your questions answered on the most misunderstood topics on Oxidative Stress and Vitamin C therapies:

StopSprayingGlyphosate interviews Dr. Richard Fleming on the importance of Vitamin C

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